Friday, April 1, 2011

A Note From....

Dear Friends,
Congratulations to our Amazing 5th Grade students, their teachers and our TADA! teaching artists on a simply incredible performance! Last night, our 5th Grade students performed three original musicals, based upon current social issues that impact their lives. The school auditorium was filled with proud parents, teachers, staff members and local community friends. Our students dedicated their shows to local heroes. "Where The Bullies Are" was dedicated to the men and women that protect our community from the 90th and 94th Precincts. "A Salute to Veterans" was dedicated to local US Veterans. "Dream Green" was dedicated to local politicians and the NYC Department of Sanitation for helping us keep Williamsburg a Green place to live!
Brilliant performances dazzled our guests! I am so proud of our 5th Grade stars! Kudos to my 5th Grade teachers for working so very hard with their classes. Way to Go to our "Tech Kids" and our star studded "Actors and Actresses"! You are truly My Shining Stars!!
With Warm Regards!
Ms. Lubeck

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